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Performance tips

The application runs regular maintenance and DB cleanup tasks. If these tasks fail, you might encounter performance issues.

Most performance issues are caused by a big database or large log files. Enabling unnecessary plugins will also lead to performance degradation.

You can always check the size of your database and database tables under the Maintenance page.

Db size check


For around 100 devices the database should be approximately 50MB and none of the entries (rows) should exceed the value of 10 000 on a healthy system. These numbers will depend on your network activity and settings.

Maintenance plugins

There are 2 plugins responsible for maintaining the overal health of the application. One is responsible for the database cleanup and one for other tasks, such as log cleanup.

DB Cleanup (DBCLNP)

The database cleanup plugin. Check details and related setting in the DB Cleanup plugin docs. Make sure the plugin is not failing by checking the logs. Try changing the schedule DBCLNP_RUN_SCHD and the timeout DBCLNP_RUN_TIMEOUT (increase) if the plugin is failing to execute.

Maintenance (MAINT)

The maintenance plugin. Check details and related setting in the Maintenance plugin docs. Make sure the plugin is not failing by checking the logs. Try changing the schedule MAINT_RUN_SCHD and the timeout MAINT_RUN_TIMEOUT (increase) if the plugin is failing to execute.

Scan frequency and coverage

The more often you scan the networks the more resources, traffic and DB read/write cycles are executed. Especially on busy networks and lower end hardware, consider increasing scan intervals (<PLUGIN>_RUN_SCHD) and timeouts (<PLUGIN>_RUN_TIMEOUT).

Also consider decreasing the scanned subnet, e.g. from /16 to /24 if need be.

Store temporary files in memory

You can also store temporary files in application memory (/app/api and /app/log folders). See highlighted lines below.

version: "3"
    container_name: netalertx
    # use the below line if you want to test the latest dev image
    # image: "jokobsk/netalertx-dev:latest" 
    image: "jokobsk/netalertx:latest"      
    network_mode: "host"        
    restart: unless-stopped
      - local/path/config:/app/config
      - local/path/db:/app/db      
      # (optional) useful for debugging if you have issues setting up the container
      - local/path/logs:/app/log
      # (API: OPTION 1) use for performance
      - type: tmpfs              # ◀
        target: /app/api         # ◀
      # (API: OPTION 2) use when debugging issues 
      # -  local/path/api:/app/api
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin      
      - PORT=20211