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Installation on a Synology NAS

There are different ways to install NetAlertX on a Synology, including SSH-ing into the machine and using the command line. For this guide, we will use the Project option in Container manager.

Create the folder structure

The folders you are creating below will contain the configuration and the database. Back them up regularly.

  1. Create a parent folder named netalertx
  2. Create a db sub-folder

Folder structure Folder structure Folder structure

  1. Create a config sub-folder

Folder structure

  1. Note down the folders Locations:

Getting the location Getting the location

  1. Open Container manager -> Project and click Create.
  2. Fill in the details:

  3. Project name: netalertx

  4. Path: /app_storage/netalertx (will differ from yours)
  5. Paste in the following template:
version: "3"
    container_name: netalertx
    # use the below line if you want to test the latest dev image
    # image: "jokobsk/netalertx-dev:latest" 
    image: "jokobsk/netalertx:latest"      
    network_mode: "host"        
    restart: unless-stopped
      - local/path/config:/app/config
      - local/path/db:/app/db      
      # (optional) useful for debugging if you have issues setting up the container
      - local/path/logs:/app/log
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin      
      - PORT=20211

Project settings

  1. Replace the paths to your volume and/or comment out unnecessary line(s):

  2. This is only an example, your paths will differ.

      - /volume1/app_storage/netalertx/config:/app/config
      - /volume1/app_storage/netalertx/db:/app/db      
      # (optional) useful for debugging if you have issues setting up the container
      # - local/path/logs:/app/log <- commented out with # ⚠

Adjusting docker-compose

  1. (optional) Change the port number from 20211 to an unused port if this port is already used.
  2. Build the project:


  1. Navigate to <Synology URL>:20211 (or your custom port).
  2. Read the Subnets and Plugins docs to complete your setup.