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Debugging inaccessible UI

1. Port conflicts

When opening an issue please:

  1. Include a screenshot of what you see when accessing HTTP://<your rpi IP>/20211 (or your custom port)
  2. Follow steps 1, 2, 3, 4 on this page
  3. Execute the following in the container to see the processes and their ports and submit a screenshot of the result:
  4. sudo apk add lsof
  5. sudo lsof -i
  6. Try running the nginx command in the container
  7. if you get nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address in use) try using a different port number

lsof ports

2. JavaScript issues

Check for browser console (F12 browser dev console) errors + check different browsers.

3. Clear the app cache and cached JavaScript files

Refresh the browser cache (usually shoft + refresh), try a private window, or different browsers. Please also refresh the app cache by clicking the 🔃 (reload) button in the header of the application.

4. Disable proxy

If you have any reverse proxy or similar, try disabling it.

5. Disable your firewall

If you are using a firewall, try to temporarily disabling it.

6. Post your docker start details

If you haven't, post your docker compose/run command.

7. Check for errors in your PHP/NGINX error logs

In the container execute:

cat /var/log/nginx/error.log

cat /app/log/app.php_errors.log

8. Make sure permissions are correct


You can try to start the container without mapping the /app/config and /app/db dirs and if the UI shows up then the issue is most likely related to your file system permissions or file ownership.

Please read the Permissions troubleshooting guide and provide a screesnhot of the permissions and ownership in the /app/db and app/config directories.